
Confined Space Rescue

Thursday, July 14, 2016

On January 20, 2016 at 1043, the Dover Fire Department was alerted for a trench rescue in the parking lot of the Sam’s Club. E3 was first on scene, under the direction of Asst. Chief Glenn Whitt, to find a subject 9’ down inside of a storm drain. The incident was a confined space rescue and not a trench collapse. The subject had been working when he suffered a fall and could not climb out. R1 arrived on scene. Crews quickly assembled the confined space rescue tripod rigged with a 4:1 haul system. A crew member entered the drain and assessed the subject for injuries. Warm air was pumped down below grade to warm the subject. He was fitted into a rescue harness and attached to the haul system. The subject was lifted without incident and placed on a waiting stretcher. He was transported to the local trauma center with non-life threatening injuries.


Units on Scene


Car 2: Duty Officer


Dover Engine: E3


Dover Heavy Rescue: R1


Dover Ladder: L1


KCDPS Paramedics: KM5, KM7 and Tango 1


City of Dover FMO: FM1 and FM2


Kent County Special Ops Team was dispatched, but returned prior to arrival.